Society for Public Health and Social Development
Safe Water and AIDS Project
Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa
George Mason University
Georgetown Global Health Nigeria
The Healthy Health Assistant AI has been a great resource for me. It answered my questions about hypertension clearly and even helped me learn more about preventing diabetes. I never knew how important stress management was! HHA gave me a variety of tips to stay healthy, including maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet.
I would love to share my journey managing high blood pressure with a Healthy Heart Assistant (HHA). The assistant taught me the importance of regular exercise and helped me avoid taking the wrong amount of medication. I even learned a new feature that lets me track my blood pressure and share it with my doctor!
Your unwavering dedication and invaluable support have placed a pivotal role in our journey of impact and growth. With heartful gratitude, we extend our deepest appreciation for your continued partnership and commitment to our shared mission.